Sunday, July 15, 2012

Check it Out: Rape Jokes Edition

Kate Harding collected 15 rape jokes she found funny here. I didn't find all of them funny, but most of them made me chuckle. They all followed her two simple rules, "A) they’re constructed so that rape victims are not the butt of the joke, and B) they made me laugh." I do think it is sad that Dane Cook can tell a funny rape joke that isn't damaging to hear, but most other hacks can't. Get it together, comedians.

I also am going to repost the link to Lindy West's Jezebel article because it was helpful.

And in case you missed Jessica Valenti's article at the Nation, here it is again.

Curtis Luciani wrote about why only very skilled comedians are able to tell rape jokes and jokes about other very damaging experiences.

This one needs a MASSIVE TRIGGER WARNING. This is another Tosh.0 video showing a "prank" that involves two teenage boys and a large dildo. I kinda want to throw up now. 

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